KALANCHOE (colors may vary)

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KALANCHOE (colors may vary)

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kalanchoe is an excellent choice, easy to grow indoors. if your looking for a low maintenacnce houseplant that gifts you with bright flowers as well as pretty greenery. kalanchoce plants bloom for a long time,  plus they actually help purify indoor air. in short, it's a wonderful plant. Low humidity and four hours of direct sunlight, as well as 14 hours of darkness. Make sure to place it in well-drained soil, cactus soil is best, as overwatering or letting it sit in moist soil can cause root rot. When the top 2 centimeters of soil are dry (completely dry, no only dry), It's time to water. Indoors, this probably means you'll only need to water every 2 or 3 weeks, but be sure to check regularly.